Monday, September 10, 2007

Hello, 911? I do believe that I've shot myself in the foot.

I’m confused and occasionally saddened by my choices of how I handle my relationships with people. I want to be happy and so should be strong enough to make the choices to attain this happiness.

Luckily, the whole world's not where I am. Some other people seem to be taking steps towards hope and happiness.

I saw Marshall leaving Reid’s apartment last night. I had just returned my movies to Vulcan and was getting out of my car when I saw him come down the stairs, with a date. They seemed absorbed in each other; flirty and giddy. I sat there watching quietly from my dark car about thirty feet away, trying not to bring attention to myself. I did not want to distract them and make them feel like they were being observed. I was smiling and my heart was glad for Marshall. I am very, very happy for him and I hope it works out.

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