Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ay yi yi.

Been sick all weekend AGAIN. I am so sick of this! This time it's a bacterial infection that apparently is fairly serious. It's taken all weekend just to feel normal and I do believe I won't really be normal for a few more days. Sigh. When am I going to pack? My energy level is so low, it's driving me crazy.

One good thing: for some reason my student loan company has decided to up my monthly payments by $.14, and due to the change they are not taking a payment from me this month. My payments have been lowered already within the last few months so the $.14 I can of course afford, and the timing for the change is PERFECT becuase every single penny is one I'll need for bills, gas and grocery while I move. I still need things like shower curtains and a set of knives, but overall that's a welcome, if small, reprieve.

Last night I got totally stir crazy and drove a few blocks to Westgate to see the latest showing of Harry Potter, while I wazs feeling up to it and somewhat less contagious. Figured it was worth the expense and about all I'd be physically able to do. Good call. Theater was almost empty. Escapism I needed. Creepy movie.

Uck. Still sick. Gotta go.

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