Monday, June 25, 2007

Apartment update

What a loooong practice I had tonight. Building 30 songs from nothing with two new players! It turned out well--just extremely tiring after so many hours. Between that and apartment snagging and the new CAs to train at work, I haven't had a chance to even think about my personal life. I just want a few moments to breathe and be really happy. Seems like I haven't had a chance to do that lately. I'm slowly working towards it, though.

Today's horoscope says:

Quickie: There are new opportunities brewing just beneath surface -- dig deep and have fun!

Overview: True connection can be a little bit frightening; it means that all the defenses and masks you carry around get stripped away. When you see the right opportunity, though, you'll realize the risk is worth it.

I got a call from the tenant of the apartment telling me that out of all the people that looked at the apartment, she liked me the best and that I seemed like a good fit and that she really hopes that I get the apartment. She sent an email to the property manager with whom i spoke earlier today, telling her the same thing. I'm praying, really praying, that this recommendation combined with Monica's offer to co-sign will offset any bad credit reports I have.

Speaking of which, I was appalled at how much of my negative credit consists of small and totally payable amounts. If I just spent $300.00 one month...sending $40.00 here, $88.00 there, I would clean it up SO much. Food for thought--I guess I should print it out and look it over more often, and then perhaps I'd start paying so I don't look so petty. Silly me.

My show on Thursday is going to be solid...long, but solid. And now the Rhinestone Cowgirls are all going to be there doing some sort of promotion! Crazy. Maybe I can get them to dance/wrestle/whatever it is that they do.

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