Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Busy with bizarrilarities.

The other day, I baked cookies. I have to say, although I bake fairly often, I'm pretty happy with how these turned out. I made chocolate/vanilla, vanilla/peppermint, chocolate/peppermint varieties.

Then earlier this week, I watched "ladies who lunch" having lunch. We're talking four-pound diamond rings, and glitzy shoes and fur purses. They were awesome and I had a difficult time not staring (and, obviously, taking pictures) whilst stabbing my shrimp pasta with a fork.


Tonight some kid who works at Target made me feel like Julia Roberts in that scene of "Pretty Woman" where she gets shooed out of the store because she's not classy enough. He even had other customers giving me dirty looks. Now THAT was an odd experience.

Steve is one super-duper person--he amazes me constantly.

A certain business I know asked me to play their Christmas Party this year, but said they were too broke to pay me to play. Needless to say, I couldn't do it for free. I just looked at the bill and I have to admit that I concluded that what money they *could* spend was probably going to a certain Austin rockabilly band (and probably after that, right up the nose of its lead singer).

I love my newest nerdy little computer game. I also plan to play board games if at all possible while I'm off work for four days.

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