Friday, February 29, 2008

Random thoughts, part 456.

I've lately taken to posting a lot more on my Myspace blog, for some reason. But no matter what, things have been going very well so far this year.

While my health and weight issues aren't improving as fast as I'd like them to, I have had a lot of creative and networking/money-making opportunities offered to me that are making my life exponentially more busy...and exponentially more rewarding.

I've already had several weeks where I can't even get a moment to myself due to rehearsals, work, overtime, projects, guests, and whiny, needy people. And to those people, I'm learning to set boundaries.

I got a promotion and a significant raise at my job, which will put me firmly into the "I can take care of myself" mode, and will allow things to run on a more even keel. I think I can finally stop living paycheck to paycheck now!

On the personal relationship scale, I've often though of myself somewhat critically as extremely self-involved, to the point of mild ego-mania. However, I've learned lately that on a sliding scale of creative types, I'm not nearly as bad as I'd envisioned. Which gives me hope for me yet.

Okay, I just wanted to blog a little something 'cos I don't feel like working anymore on this pretty Friday, but I can't ask to leave early since I'm going to have so much vacation time eaten up soon.

Rachel's running around somewhere around Austin, happily enjoying the day, and I'm chomping at the bit to get out of here.
